7 Most Crucial B2B Marketing Trends and Tips for 2024

The landscape of B2B marketing is ever-changing, and maintaining a progressive approach which crucial for achieving success. As we approach 2024, the world of B2B marketing continues its rapid evolution, driven by emerging technologies and shifting customer expectations.

Staying ahead of the curve is essential for businesses looking to thrive in this dynamic landscape. In this article, we’ll explore the seven most crucial B2B marketing trends and provide actionable tips to help you navigate and succeed in the year ahead.

From the increasing importance of data-driven decision-making to the rise of sustainability in marketing, we will explore the key shifts that are reshaping the B2B marketing landscape.

Let’s dive in and discover what is on the marketing horizon in 2024.

Trend 1 – Embrace the power of emotional storytelling in B2B

Emotional storytelling has long been a powerful tool in the realm of B2C marketing, but its effectiveness is increasingly finding its way into B2B marketing strategies.

By tapping into the emotional aspects of your business narrative, you can create a more compelling and relatable brand image.

Incorporating emotional storytelling into your B2B marketing strategy can help you connect with your audience on a deeper level, build trust, and differentiate your brand in a competitive marketplace.

You can develop a memorable and impactful brand narrative that connects with your target audience by utilizing the power of emotions. We have reached the point where we no longer check emails or pick up the phone to make another cold call.

The art of using stories to arouse emotions in your audience is known as emotional storytelling. By appealing to their emotions and evoking a response in them, you may connect with your audience.

Therefore, can B2B marketers more effectively use emotional storytelling? Here are some tips to assist you in getting started.

  • Know your audience
  • Craft a brand narrative infused with the voices and experiences of your customers.
  • Lean into humor and fun
  • Address pain points and challenges

Trend 2 – Don’t miss out on video, even for B2B

Video content has become an invaluable tool for B2B marketing, and if you’re not leveraging it, you might be missing out on significant opportunities.

By incorporating video into your marketing strategy, you can effectively engage your audience, educate prospects, and ultimately drive better results for your B2B business.

Are you prepared for these statistics? Video makes up more than 82% of consumer internet traffic. Yes, B2B professionals can no longer ignore this significant marketing trend in 2024.

But what if your videos aren’t generating the leads and engagement you were hoping for?

Not all videos are top-notch. Even though videos are a staple of current B2B marketing trends, that doesn’t guarantee that your videos will be effective.

Together, let’s troubleshoot your video approach. Here are three potential causes for your videos to be ineffective, along with suggestions for how to fix them.

  • Elevate your video quality by adding a personal touch.
  • Transform static videos into interactive experiences.
  • Don’t settle for one-off videos; scale your video content.

Video content is a versatile and impactful tool that should not be overlooked in B2B marketing. Don’t miss out on the power of video; it’s a vital component for success in today’s digital landscape.

Trend 3 – Infuse human touch back into your email marketing

Email marketing is a powerful tool for reaching your audience, but it’s crucial to put the human touch back into your campaigns to foster genuine connections and increase engagement.

Contrary to the ‘trendier’ marketing strategies centered on content and video, B2B email marketing is settling into a regular pattern.

Most of the information we retained concerned improving upon the quality of our emails. Fortunately, there’s no need to create the wheel from scratch.

In comparison to 34.5% across all industries, the average email open rate for B2B marketing in the tech sector in 2022 is 14%. Unless you offer them value, they are becoming less interested in your branding and emails.

So how can we go about doing that? Here is a brief overview of each phase in the framework that is specific to the B2B marketing sector. The B2B Email Marketing CHEETAH Framework.

  • Captivate: Make your first impression count
  • Humanize your messages
  • Entertain: Unleash creativity
  • Easy: Keep it clear and concise
  • Smooth transitions: Add visual appeal
  • Subtle animation: Grab attention wisely
  • Harmony: Maintain consistency

Remember that behind every email address is a real person, and by connecting with them on a personal level, you can create lasting connections and enhance the impact of your email campaigns.

Trend 4 – Fine-tune your content strategy so you appear on the LLM AI search

Fine-tuning your content strategy to appear prominently in the LLM (Large Language Model) AI search results can help boost your online visibility and reach a broader audience.

Trust us, AI was a HUGE topic. The largest B2B marketing trend for 2024 is generative AI

We learned some fascinating information, one of which is how large language models, or LLMs, are altering search engines. The SERPs might look drastically different very soon.

Imagine entering a query on Google and receiving a text box containing a unique response rather than a list of results.

That was produced using real-time references to millions of sources. Actually, that response is written to be the ideal length and style for you.

Today, this is a reality. You can already get a preview of a real-time, uniquely generated response on Microsoft Bing. Advertisers can pay to appear in that tiny box, and brands can appear as sources in the footnotes.

2 essential SEO tactics for the era of generative AI:

  • Keep building authority
  • Establish a presence within the data sources used for AI training

Trend 5 – In B2B Social media influencers are emerging

Social media influencers have traditionally been associated with B2C (business-to-consumer) marketing, but there’s a growing trend of influencers making their mark in the B2B (business-to-business) landscape as well.

Social media is now used by 53% of B2B buyers to learn about products, and that number is probably rising quickly. We also know that short-form videos are becoming more popular, and social media will soon become an essential component of your approach.

How to Leverage B2B Influencers:

  • Identify Relevant Influencers
  • Build Authentic Relationships
  • Content Collaboration
  • Guest Appearances
  • Sponsored Content
  • Track and Measure Results
  • Long-term Partnerships
  • Compliance and Disclosure
  • Adapt to Changing Trends

Social media influencers are indeed emerging as valuable assets in B2B marketing. When strategically leveraged, they can help you reach and engage your target audience, establish credibility, and drive business growth.

However, it’s essential to choose influencers wisely, build authentic relationships, and measure the impact of your collaborations to ensure a successful B2B influencer marketing strategy.

Trend 6 – Build your brand by building a decentralized community

Building a decentralized community can be a powerful strategy for brand growth and engagement. It allows you to create a network of loyal supporters who are passionate about your brand’s values and mission.

A community is about creating a secure environment where like-minded individuals, such as your customers, can interact and share their perspectives on a certain subject so that everyone leaves with something of value.

Being present where your target audience congregates is another important aspect of building a community because it makes it easier for new people to join as well as for your community to be seen.

We have now covered the essential components of a successful decentralized community:

  • It has a defined niche
  • It gives members value
  • It’s easy to join and get onboarded
  • It allows people to connect
  • It is a secure environment governed by a well-defined code of behavior

Trend 7 – Utilize insights from behavioral science to motivate and inspire action

Behavioral science is a powerful tool that can help you understand and influence human behavior to drive desired actions.

By applying principles from psychology and behavioral economics, you can create more effective marketing campaigns, encourage positive behaviors, and achieve your goals.

Our goal is to influence prospects to act. And that’s a difficult task. In order to truly try to foresee what each prospect wants and how to connect with them, it sometimes feels like we have to wriggle inside their heads.

However, there is a solution: returning to behavioral science. The most intriguing hack we used from Inbound was definitely thinking about how humans are wired.

There are nine particular ways behavioral science may be used to increase response rates and messaging, and we can’t wait to try them out.

  • Emotion
  • Loss Aversion
  • Endowment Effect
  • BYAF (But You Are Free)
  • Labelling
  • Authority Principle
  • Reason Why
  • Anchoring
  • Framing

Using behavioral science to drive action involves a deep understanding of human psychology and behavior. By applying these principles, you can create more persuasive and effective marketing campaigns, improve user engagement, and ultimately achieve your desired outcomes.


In conclusion, B2B marketing is poised for significant transformations in 2024, driven by emerging trends and evolving consumer behavior.

By staying attuned to these crucial B2B marketing trends and implementing the corresponding tips, you can position your business for success in 2024 and beyond.

Adaptation and innovation in your marketing strategies will be key to remaining competitive and effectively meeting the evolving needs of your B2B audience. To thrive in this dynamic landscape, businesses should consider the trends aforementioned in this article.

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