The Ultimate Guide to Content Repurposing- Part 2

In the first part of this blog, we saw that repurposing existing content is one way of using available thought leadership content to get its maximum value.

Here are more ways to repurpose and reuse existing content for marketing purposes.

  1.  Social Media Posts
  • Repurpose Content from Other Profiles

It may sound a bit suspicious, but often, using social media posts from one profile in another profile also helps to provide added exposure. How does it work? Try using a thumbnail from Facebook in your LinkedIn posts or a tweet image for Facebook.

Another way to repurpose meaningful content is to use data from one post to create an infographic that can be used on another platform. Images are a much better form of social media content, and studies have shown that they extract much better responses than static content.

Sometimes, video clips or corporate film clips that highlight a product or solution can be reused from older videos. This social media will garner much more attention than static content pieces.

  • Quotes from Older Posts or Content

 It’s easy for marketers to identify content that has been performing well on social media or search engines.

Taking parts of this content, especially as thought leadership quotes, is another smart repurposing strategy. What has already worked on impactful channels like X could be partially reused by another channel. Its efficacy is already proven, so this reuse is very useful.

  •    Repurposing Webinars and Podcasts

Videos and webinar discussions are the best content for B2B marketing. You have a pure form of thought leadership ideas shared in this format. Selecting small clips from these webinars and using them on social media can get a lot of traction. Since the webinar already focuses on content, these clips will be thought leadership bytes on their own self. So, from video interactions, films, webinars, and digital events, small clips can be extracted to use in social media as posts. These are valuable for repurposing if designed well and integrated with relevant content.

In fact, there are many ways that webinars, podcasts, and other video content can be repurposed. This is very useful for invite-only webinars or subscription-based podcasts or videos. Since this content is not available for general consumption, it is smart to extract smaller clips and quotes from these to use as marketing content in social media.

This serves the purpose of marketing the brand and showcasing capabilities to deliver webinars, podcasts, and all kinds of video interactions.

Transcripts of videos and webinars can also be repurposed as handouts and quotes and used on social media.

In fact, webinar transcripts can be used to create PDF files that can also be used as whitepapers or case studies for websites. Parts of these can be used as quotes in social media.

Data discussed in the webinar can be converted into an infographic and used as a social media byte—actually, both in content and infographic form.

  1. Repurpose Older Content by Data Updates

Many laws and truisms say that the enterprise world has never experienced as much constant change as it is now. Things are changing faster than ever before.

Clearly, content made even a few weeks ago is already redundant in terms of data and facts. Technologies evolve, tools are overhauled, patches are added, and everything changes.

In this situation, there is a very simple and effective way to repurpose existing content: update the data and facts.

So, while blogs, podcasts, whitepapers- and all other artifacts are invaluable for thought leadership, their value increases even more if they are updated.

A typical example is security threats landscape. A blog that talks about a certain tool, and elaborates of its efficacy by sharing statistics of the threat scenario- perhaps the losses due to the incidence.

We can call it the largest attack in known history. But what if there has been a bigger attack after that? The blog is essentially not accurate.

Updating that data is the need of the hour.

This updated data can be used as a whole new piece of content- and this is a very effective repurposing of existing content.

Of course, not every piece of content needs to be updated. Focus on the top performing pieces and ensure they are updated and more value is added to it. Then reuse it in the site or in social media. With the new look, the Call-to-Action can also be rewritten for more impact.

These are a few useful and easy to do ideas for repurposing existing content. Having said that, it cannot replace intelligent and more relevant new content.

But there can never be too much content for marketing, and repurposing plays a huge role in making that happen.

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